In 2017, we embarked on a journey that led to the birth of AKU’s. Our first Dine-in outlet opened its doors in Defence Colony Main Market in January 2018, marking the beginning of an adventure that would challenge the giants of the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) world. We dared to bring forth a burger brand that was true to its roots, proudly embracing the motto,
AKU’s aims to be a casual &
‘community-driven’ food outlet
that has a quick turnaround time
for it’s customers.
The focus is on
premium quality American ‘fast
but slow’ food with influences from around the world.
‘Fast but slow’ food is the concept used by us to describe good quality, responsibly grown & unadulterated sourcing – that, simply put, will not be
‘fast food’
AKU’s is run by Chef Akriti Malhotra, an alumni of The Culinary Institute of America and Ankit Malhotra, an entrepreneur.
Prior to starting AKU’s she worked at a few Michelin star restaurants in New York and then across the world in India for caterings with some of the best chefs of the world.
Her food love language still spoke to Hearty Comfort food and that’s how the birth of AKU’s happened