Introducing AKU’s DIY Burger Kits

Create your own gourmet burger experience at home! Our kits include perfectly crafted patties, fresh buns, delectable cheese, caramelized onions, and our signature A-Sauce. Unleash your inner chef and savor the AKU’s magic in every bite.

What you get in your DIY Kit

X 1 Pouch Ready To Cook Patty Mix {no fillers/preservatives}
Choose between Lamb, Chicken, Beetroot or Chickpea

X 1 AKU’s Natural Cheese Blend Container

X 4 Freshly Baked Sesame Buns

X 1 House Made A-Sauce Container

X 1 House-made Pickles Pouch
X 1 Caramelized Onions Container

X 1 Imported Streaky Bacon Strips pouch (optional)

Each DIY kit comes in a Square Paper Box. The contents of which are in the following:

  • The patties are in a sealed food grade plastic pouch.
  • The sauces, add-ons, natural cheese blend are in airtight food grade SUP pouches/ eco-friendly containers.
  • The buns are covered with Food Grade Cling Film

Serves: 4
Prep Time: 10 mins

What you need: a sauté pan, a flat spatula, some cooking oil, salt & … an appetite!